So while my numbers are low, I haven’t done a really strong push to drive traffic to my site yet. That said, it seems that putting my website on my email signature has been successful in getting some traffic to my site. The overwhelming majority of traffic to my site has been direct, not referred from Facebook, LinkedIn or my site. I definitely need to work on keeping people on my site because most folks only stay on for two minutes and don’t look at many pages. My instinct is that when I push people to my site to look at specific content rather than just clicking the link because it’s in my email signature, I think I’ll have more page views and longer site visits. I’m looking forward to expanding with new posts while working in South Africa this summer.
It took the entire semester to get my website to a place where it had the functionality I wanted and it’s almost where I want it to be as far as design. I want something simple that highlights my work without being flashy or over the top. I will continue working on it next semester so that I graduate with a fully functional, easily-updateable portfolio site.