See the syllabus/week 12 for an updated assignment for the live coverage project, including deadlines:
Assignment: Live Event Coverage. Team coverage of newsworthy event(s), providing live coverage from the field using one of several mobile journalism coverage techniques, and using, where possible reporting from students’ Craft II classes.
- Possible coverage approaches: 1) Live video streaming. 2) Live podcasting. 3) Live blogging. 4) Live photo coverage.
- Schedule: Event must take place between the following dates during the Week 14 “window.” For Thursday section, May 6-16. For Monday section, May 10-20.
- Content: Live coverage package must include short advance posts and visual element setting up event and promoting live coverage, plus social media promotion; live event coverage itself, and wrap-up post-event coverage, including visual element.
- Grading: Team grading for set-up (25%)/live coverage (50%)/wrap-up (25%)
- Note: Live coverage will be posted on class blog and on NYC News Service or associated site.
- DEADLINE 1: Initial pitches due in class on Week Twelve or by end of day following day (April 29, May 3)
- DEADLINE 2: Detailed pitches and coverage plans, via pitch form, due by start of Week 13 class. Set-up blog post due by end of Week 13 class.
- DEADLINE 3: Live event coverage on day/time of scheduled event in Week 14 window.
- DEADLINE 4: Wrap-up post-event coverage due by start of Week 15.