So I’ve vastly changed my portfolio. My new site, at is a little more graphic heavy. I used the F8 Lite theme and I think it might go well.
I also have writing, video, and other multimedia pages, though right now some of the clips / postings up there are a little sparse.
I’m not sure I like the enormous 950 pixel-wide format for the background images, but I think I might like it more once I’ve gotten used to it.
Still to do: I downloaded the Word Press Resume plug-in and I’m still getting the hang of setting it up. Otherwise I can just put up a PDF or HTML resume. I also installed the Lightbox plugin to make the images flow a little better, but I’ve got to figure out how to get that working across the board. Also, once I renew my FlickrPro account, I’m also going to add a Flickr feed at the bottom (maybe replacing the Twitter one).