I’ve put up my website here during the January Academy and still in the process building it up. I’m tried and changed several theme skins for the site. My current theme is Canvas 3.2.4 from WooTheme, which has many options when coming to layout, slider, widget, etc.
The content of the site will mainly showcase stories or projects that I have done. I plan to have the header-banner as a slide (probably by FLASH) to illustrate some of the good pics that I have from my photojournalism class. Possible categories may include:
+ Home
+ Multimedia
+ Articles (English/Vietnamese)
+ Publication
+ About/Bio (linked with my Linkedin profile)
Possible Plug-ins that I may use:
+ WordPress.com Popular Posts: Shows the most popular posts, using data collected by WordPress.com stats plugin.
+ WordPress.com Stats: Tracks views, post/page views, referrers, and clicks.
+ Embedly: extend WP’s Embeds