I registered my own domain. My site’s at danrosenblum.com
I used the Oulipo theme because it’s clean and can showcase different types of content. I’m going to keep it consistantly updated with whatever work I do, and I’ll rope off a portfolio page for my bestest.
As far as plug-ins, I used a flickr and category cloud tags. As far as other social media (Facebook, twitter, etc.) I might put those in, but it might seem needlessly messy until I figure out an approach for those.
I’m going to have an “About me” page, a contact form, and I’m separating content into writing, photos, and video, plus another for content that doesn’t fit that.
Like the text-centric theme, although it seems more for a regularly updated blog than to spotlight evergreen portfolio content, so give that some thought. The content/menu plan sounds good. I’d explore the plug-in library to see what else might help, without cluttering the page.