Please post your week one assignments as blog entries on the class blog. And to help keep track of your work be sure to “tag” and “categorize” your posts correctly.
So, for the flash exercise, be sure to tag the entry “flash homework” and check the appropriate “Glenn-Mon” or “Glenn-Thu” category. For your portfolio exercise, be sure to tag the blog post entry “portfolio homework” and check the apppropriate class category.
The details of this week’s assignments can be found on the syllabus, or below. Please send questions, comments my way, or post in the comments area below.
Assignment #1: Flash Exercise – Using assets from a BBC interactive, construct your own, step-by-step infographic, using buttons to navigate content that’s distributed in keyframes along the timeline. See for more. Post your work in a blog entry on the class web site, embedding the Flash project. Be sure to tag the entry “flash homework” and check the “Glenn-Mon” or “Glenn-Thu” category. DEADLINE: Start of Week Two class. NOTE: We’ll have an in-class mini-lab to review and troubleshoot your efforts, but be prepared to display your work.
Assignment #2: Portfolio Site Preparation – Request a web site from the school. Post blog entry to class web wite with preliminary plans for your portfolio site, including list of at least 5-10 possible page types (contact, about, portfolio, etc.) and clips of current or past work, plus 3-5 possible plug-ins. Select site theme, or sketch out potential layout with requirements (i.e. able to display large-format photos, or numerous text blocks). Be sure to tag the blog post entry “portfolio homework” and check the “Glenn-Mon” or “Glenn-Thu” category. OPTIONAL: Select a photo or image suitable for use in your banner. DEADLINE: Start of Week Two class.
Reading assignment:
- Creating a top notch journalist portfolio website. Be prepared to discuss what makes an optimal portfolio site
- Scan (especially Romenesko), and be prepared to discuss latest in digital journalism. Other sites for your regular digital media diet should include:, Neiman Journalism Lab, MediaShift,, LostRemote and BuzzMachine.