Portfolio Traffic

This past week, I installed the WordPress.com Stats plugin to monitor the traffic to my portfolio site. The results reflect an effort to utilize a variety of social media platforms to promote my site.

The graph illustrates the steady decrease of visitors to my site since April 25th. Initially, I promoted my portfolio by sending emails to close friends and relatives, posting links on Facebook and Twitter, creating a flavors.me site, and communicating the latest updates to my site to friends through social media. After my initial promotion, I did not have updates on my site and therefore site visits went down.

My Home page is the most visited because I always initially link to it when sharing. The About and Resume pages were next on the list. On the day I received the most visits, my posts entitled “The Rise of School Co-Locations in New York City,” and “Hydroponic Farming” got the highest number of hits. These were my most recent posts and currently have the most visibility on my site. I was surprised to find out my post, “In NYC, Volunteer Fire Departments are a Novelty,” got a lot of hits over the last few days. 

Updating Facebook and Twitter statuses on a regular bases added additional traffic to my site. A lot of the referrals on my site stats are coming from twitter.com and facebook.com

In addition to sharing my site with more people, I updated my portfolio in an effort drive more people to my site. I added a twitter widget that displays my latest tweets, a blogroll that links to blogs I read daily and I created a Blog page that redirects visitors to my flavors.me site. Once on flavors.me, visitors can view all of my social media.



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